ONE WHOLE YEAR!! …of construction, of mud, of decisions, of waiting, of planning, of progressing, of building. I can safely say we’re on the final stretch now. The end is in sight.
The interior is being completed floor by floor, starting from the top and working down. Right now they’ve completed most of the built-ins on the second floor and the painters are starting to fill nail holes, caulk, and paint the
Evie loves all the window seats as much as I do:

We also chose a granite and had it fabricated for the tub deck. It’s called Fantasy Brown (sometimes Brown Fantasy) and is sometimes classified as granite, sometimes quartzite, and sometimes even marble. It has a lot of movement in it and colors can range from white, beige, brown, gray, and black, and there are little sparkly bits in it that are hard to capture in pictures. We picked out a slab that had

Down on the first floor, a lot of the trim has been put up and some of the built-ins are started. They put in real stairs to step up from the garage into the mudroom and another set to step from the garage into the garage’s powder room.

They also put in the beams we had made for the great room. We love how they

I’ve been working on picking the last few paint colors that I need to finalize, as you can see from the picture below. Paint colors are such strange creatures. They look so different when they are up on the wall and colors that I thought I’d love, I end up not liking and vise-

In the basement, they finished putting in the subfloor, and a lot of the trim is half-finished.

Outside, we’ve kind have come full-circle. A year ago they were excavating so we could start building. This last week they’ve begun excavating for a tiered retaining wall on the side of the house. They also just started getting the ground ready for final grading.

They finished the trim and ceiling area up under the porch:

They also installed the cedar corbels that go on the stair tower entry portico:

We’ve come a long, long way in the last year. I’m so pleased with how it’s all turning out. We can’t wait to spend all our days at the farm and not just our weekends. Hopefully, by the end of summer, that will be our reality.
Thanks for keeping up with our progress this last year. If you want to catch up, check out our building progress page. You can sign up to receive my newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of this page. You’ll get an email to let you know when I’ve added content to the website.
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