A lot has happened with the house in the last three weeks! Most of it seems like little stuff, but it all adds up and makes the house feel a little more complete every day.

The plumbing and electrical work are largely done now, other than a few things that will need to be added or adjusted to the interior walls later.

One of the most exciting things (at least for me) was seeing my library being built. It’s hard to see through the scaffolding, but it’s the beginnings of my 15-foot high library.

We did some blocking in the walls where we know we’re going to be hanging heavy things. We also went ahead and sheeted some of the walls with plywood. There are various reasons for doing this that I’ll go over more on a separate post.

All the exterior walls are getting filled with spray foam next week and everything that needs to go in those walls has to be done before that. That means that all the wall lights, outlets, plumbing, and any other wiring getting attached to an exterior wall need to be placed exactly where we want them. Once the spray foam cures, it gets super hard and it’s very difficult to make changes inside the walls later. It requires completely cutting the foam out of the wall and then replacing it again which is a big process.
The spray foam is also the reason for all the plastic sheeting they put all over the house to cover windows, doors, floors, and walls that they want to protect.

The pediments (the gable brackets and corbels) and the rest of the posts are also up now! I loved seeing those come together. The wood tones look really nice against the backdrop of gray stone and siding. I can’t wait until the rest of the white fascia goes up around the porch area, which will definitely make everything really pop!

You can also see in the photo below that they also closed in the garage doors. That’s necessary for spraying in the foam insulation. It’s also important for after the insulation is in, so they can heat the house enough to put up drywall.

The back of the house got some updates, too. It’s been a while since I took pictures from these angles, so you can really see how the deck and upper balcony came together with the cedar posts.

Since all the leaves in the trees behind the house are down now, you can see it pretty clearly from the meadow below the house.

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