We’ve hit the big three-oh and then flew right by it! Another three weeks have passed, and it seems like we finally had some pretty fall colors and then went straight into winter. As far as house progress goes, we had several exciting things happening this time!

The most noticeable progress was the addition of a roof over the back deck. They framed it out and sheeted as much of it as they could before they ran out of material. More should come in soon for them to finish. I love the way the roof finishes off this space. It’ll be a great place for us to relax and hang out during the warmer months of the year.
The stair tower entry on the side of the house also got a portico, which still needs roof shingles and brackets on either side of it.

About half of our cedar posts delivered, which was still a lot of cedar. The colors of the different posts are really variegated – some of them are light tan, some medium brown, some quite grey.

Some of the posts already went up on the front porch and will also go on and under the back decks. Our woodworker is also using these cedar posts to make pediments for the gables of the house. Our house color scheme is largely in the grey family, so I’m really looking forward to how the wood tones will add a layer of warmth to the exterior.

The masons finished hanging stone on the side garage wall and started the prep work for other areas of the house that aren’t yet complete. You can see the new areas they prepped under the porch where the mortar is darker in the picture above.
Unfortunately, the mortar they use cannot freeze and we’re really running out of warm days for them to finish the work. We already got our first snow (about 6-8 inches) here in PA this week. Most likely they will need to finish hanging the rest of the stone in the spring after the thaw.
We also had a lot of odds and ends happening. They brought in and hooked up our transformer so now the guys are able to use electricity now for their tools and lights instead of generators! This feels like a big step to me because so much of the house requires electricity run to it, so it’s a vital step to moving forward with the build.
The electricians and plumber worked on getting more things hooked up, too! The house feels more finished every day!
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