If this house build was a pregnancy, we’d be halfway through!
Day 133 (Monday, 8/20/18)ย ย More windows and doors were put in today.ย (Bonus points if you can figure out which two windows accidentally got switched by the end of this post).
They also started installing the electrical service.
Day 134 (Tuesday, 8/21/18)ย ย Pretty much all the doors and windows were in by the end of the day.ย It makes it feel so much more finished inside.
The last window in the stair tower is in Front door The top and middle level of the stair tower. Master bedroom sliding doors the double, double doors in the Great room. The transoms and triangular windows above still need to be placed. In the kitchen: a windowseat on the left, and the windows over the sink on the right
A few other odds and ends were completed today.ย The last well was dug with great success.ย They hit 30 gallons per minute at 160 feet.ย Some of the smaller walls also got framed in:
No work on Wednesday.
Day 136 (Thursday, 8/23/18)ย ย The garage was prepped today for concrete.
A lot of fireplace prep happened today.ย The chimney on the back of the house was framed in – the still need to take it about six feet higher or so.ย They framed in the fireplace in the great room, and they started running the venting out through the roof for the fireplace in the master bedroom.
Day 137 (Friday, 8/24/18)ย ย They finished the chimney in the back of the house:

You can also see in the picture above that they’ve prepared the patio area for a concrete pad to be poured early next week.
The sunroom fireplace was installed, which you can see below:

They are also always making progress other places that I won’t bother posting pictures of because these posts would have about one hundred pictures each.ย Things like electrical outlets and plumbing have been slowly happening inside the walls.ย
Progress is probably going to seem like it slows down after this week for about a month.ย Our builder has another house that he needs to start and spend a few weeks getting framed so it’ll be done before winter.
We’re in no rush (other than wanting to get all the outside things done, like stone and siding before it gets too cold to do those things).ย We’ve just been really enjoying watching the progress and making decisions as they arise, which is pretty much constantly.
We’re still having a blast spending our weekends at the farm.ย We always have “clean up” work to do, getting rid of dead trees and maintaining our trails.ย Evie and I took advantage of the last really hot days of summer (hopefully!) and took a dip in the creek.
She absolutely loves to get in the water.ย This is a really nice area of the creek, near the spring, where the water is really shallow and clear.ย Perfect for little toes to splash.
Thanks for reading today and keeping up to date with our building journey!
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